Can we have a kind debate?

By Elaine St. Clair, Decorah

Decorah residents and businesses are bound by a state contract to be purchasers of electricity from a Wisconsin corporation. The profits from electric use in Decorah contribute to the Wisconsin corporate CEO’s salary and bonuses. Corporate shareholders are also counting on the profits made from Decorah.

The tight grip by this corporation to retain the profit center of Decorah is the driver for a very aggressive campaign to win a no vote in the March 4 election. The snappy commercials on YouTube look very expensive. The size of the ads in the local paper for a no vote are 5.5 inches by 10 inches. What is the motive for all of this corporate money, that comes from us rate payers, being spent on this vote? The result of the vote March 4 poses no immediate threat to their profits.

A yes vote gives the city standing to compel the electric company to release data to be used in developing a feasibility study for a municipal electric utility. Experts in the Iowa Utilities Commission will be consulted in the examination of the data and the writing of the study.

This all begs the question: if Alliant Energy is so sure they provide the best service for Decorah in terms of rates and reliability, why won’t they do the right thing and support a yes vote? Let the city and residents discover the merits of the service for themselves. Or perhaps Alliant is afraid of what might be discovered.

We humans are in relationships with our neighbors, co-workers and our communities of choice. We will continue in relationships when the electric company has stopped stirring the pot of division. Please, ask yourself, ‘How do I want to be spoken to and how do I want to be spoken about?’ We could call it a golden rule.

Looking for kindness,

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