
Greetings from the Statehouse

Saturday, January 30, 2021 4:35 pm

Activity in the House of Representatives has started to develop into a routine, as bills are filed, assigned to committees and subcommittees are appointed to take public input. I am eager to begin the process of evaluating the bill proposals and work to adopt laws that serve Iowans.

Legislative process

Thursday, January 28, 2021 8:32 pm

This week was the second week of the legislative session. While it was shorter than normal due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 18, it was busy and full of subcommittee meetings as we start going through the legislative process.
Subcommittees are the first step in the legislative process and are one of the ways Iowans can be involved . . .

Preparing for the pitfalls of exercise; Real physical change takes time

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 2:04 pm

Welcome to the New Year, that annual time where we collectively reflect on our lives and actions in the hope that we can resolve to improve them. For too many of us, what we decide to commit to in January fails to come to fruition during the subsequent months.

In the Legislature

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 12:49 pm

We have officially started the 2021 legislative session and it has been a very busy week. Especially as a new senator, I have had to adjust to new changes due to the pandemic as well as adjusting to learning the process of how our state government operates within it.

Greetings from the Statehouse

Monday, January 25, 2021 10:43 pm

The 89th General Assembly convened at the Capitol on Monday, Jan. 11.  The members took the oath of office and have begun their duties. Joint conventions of the House and Senate were convened to receive Governor Kim Reynolds, Chief Justice Susan Christensen and Major General Corell of the Iowa National Guard.

The Driftless Foodie: Heirloom Pizza Dough

Tuesday, January 19, 2021 11:21 pm

Most people don’t think about a recipe as a family heirloom. It’s not exactly something tangible.